Friday, March 8, 2013

Good days and bad

It's been a trying week. Some days good, some not so good.

It seems that as soon as I get in the shower, or finally get a moment to make some food and am now about to sit down and eat, she wakes up and starts to bawl.

A friend and her 2yr old came over yesterday to make dinner for us. That was more trouble than it was worth! The 2yr old had me stressed the whole time! First, he woke my little one as soon as he got there (after I took what seemed like forever to get her asleep). Then he was just a mini hurricane throughout the house while his mom cooked. Coupled with that, my LO was going through a growth spurt and cluster feeding every 20 mins to an hour.

And now I've been worrying that something is wrong with my LO cause she cries all the time (or so it seems). Someone on one of the baby websites forums suggested she might have Silent Reflux when I was complaining about it. So I've been researching it. It could be true maybe. I have to see for a few more days.

It's a funny thing though. No matter the stressful day or how lonely I've felt, or stressed, when she's quiet, she's just the absolute most precious thing in my world.

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