Friday, March 15, 2013


OMG my MIL is working my last nerve right now! She's been with me day today since 6am and I think I've had enough!! So over the passive aggressive sh*t! Trying to shove the notion down my throat that its because I don't have something to drink "something, anything" before I nurse that that's the reason baby gets gripe! Who made you a freaking doctor!!!
So I'm taking a night off tonight. Not even a full night, I'm taking some hours off, to lime with husband and have a few drinks. Baby has expressed milk. But I have to keep hearing her in the background "mummy can't feed you, mummy's having wine, you can't feed you tonight". Oh give me a break, don't make it out to be a big deal! Give me a freaking break! I'm not neglecting my child, I'm taking a couple drinks with my husband for the first time since before I knew I was pregnant, and baby has her bottle to drink...and later tonight she'll be tapping the tap once again. So get off my back with your passive aggressive mumblings!
Why are you still here anyway, shouldn't you be heading home?

Ok. Vent over.
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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Birth Control

A screaming newborn baby is the world's best birth control method! LOL! It works so well that not only does it work for the parents, but for siblings, neighbours, and visiting friends and family!!
Seriously! Just after 5 mins of it, no one wants to take the chance of having sex and getting pregnant!!
Hell, for the parents, just having a newborn is enough to prevent sex. Not cause you don't want it (I have a box on condoms begging to be used!), but because it takes so much to coordinate! I'm ready now, and finally baby has fallen back asleep...but husband has fallen asleep too.
Ah well...maybe tomorrow night...

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Friday, March 8, 2013

Good days and bad

It's been a trying week. Some days good, some not so good.

It seems that as soon as I get in the shower, or finally get a moment to make some food and am now about to sit down and eat, she wakes up and starts to bawl.

A friend and her 2yr old came over yesterday to make dinner for us. That was more trouble than it was worth! The 2yr old had me stressed the whole time! First, he woke my little one as soon as he got there (after I took what seemed like forever to get her asleep). Then he was just a mini hurricane throughout the house while his mom cooked. Coupled with that, my LO was going through a growth spurt and cluster feeding every 20 mins to an hour.

And now I've been worrying that something is wrong with my LO cause she cries all the time (or so it seems). Someone on one of the baby websites forums suggested she might have Silent Reflux when I was complaining about it. So I've been researching it. It could be true maybe. I have to see for a few more days.

It's a funny thing though. No matter the stressful day or how lonely I've felt, or stressed, when she's quiet, she's just the absolute most precious thing in my world.

Monday, March 4, 2013

And here's the hard part

I think my baby is broken, she keeps crying all the time, can I return her for a refund?
Just kidding of course but oh my lorse, we have entered the colic stage and its as awful as they tell you! But no matter how much they tell you about it, it could never prepare you for it. The emotional drain it is to have your poor innocent baby crying as if surely she's in pain, but being completely and utterly powerless to help it.
It's been only 3 days of it so far and I'm a wreck. Speaking of which, I better go going, its nearly 12am and I need to sleep...before this bigger wakes back up!!

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