Monday, December 16, 2013

Tale of Two Insomniacs

This has not been a good sleep week for us. Sunday night was rough with baby girl waking up. We didn't get much sleep that night, and I had to wake up at 7am, while she soared the skies of dreamland. Bugger!
On Monday I was determined, no matter how tired I felt that evening, that I'd start the gym that night after I put girlie to bed. For once everything went smoothly, and she fell asleep right away, and I was able to run away to the gym. I'm happy to say, I pushed through and worked my little tushy (and non-existent abs) off!! Got home, cleaned up the small messes hubby didn't get to, and tumbled into bed satisfied. Girlie woke at 3:30am as per her usual torture routine these nights, but we got through the festivities mostly unscathed.  Then came Tuesday…
All day at work I was zombie-like. Thank goodness I've gotten good at scattering paper around my desk and shuffling them around to look busy!  Had my usual morning cup of java first thing in the morning. That wasn't enough to get me fired as one of the extras of The Walking Dead, so I had a second. Trudged through the day exerting as little energy as possible, until that afternoon when I passed a co-worker's desk and smelled what seemed like Heaven in a cup. Coffee! But another cup? Do I dare? Hells yeah! And suddenly all was right with the world again. To paraphrase Goldfinger, it made me wanna kiss all the puppy dogs, smell the flowers and plant a tree, I gotta say that Coffee, he's da bomb!


Flash forward to 7:30pm. Putting little one to sleep. She tossed and turned and rolled and wiggled, quarrelled to sleep in her crib. I eventually pulled her onto the bed to cuddle and hopefully fall asleep. I may have dozed for 20 minutes as well, but I looked up at 8:30 and she was finally asleep. So I snuck her into her crib and went outside to do the usual nighttime/before bed chores. Kissed hubby good night, left him in front the TV while I jumped into bed to sleep at 10pm…or so I thought. My body wasn't ready to knock out yet, so I played some games on my phone before sleeping…Flash to 11pm, hubby jumps into bed just as I put away my phone. Yay, sleep time! Or so I thought…Now it's my turn to toss and turn and roll and wiggle…12am Maybe I can read a while and that will help me fall asleep….1am The reading didn't work, but I feel the Sandman's grains making my eyes heavy at last…And suddenly, little one wakes up. And no amount of patting, shushing, or rubbing her back will help. I pull her out of bed and go warm up her bottle (way earlier than normal, but I'm trying anything). Bring her back to bed and feed her. She drinks, til she's full, and she's still up. I decide to lay her down between daddy and I. Toss and turn and roll and wiggle, sticking her foot in daddy's mouth, grabbing daddy's nose, climbing, and all sorts of antics. Poor hubby gets the brunt of it. Hell, my sleep is already shot for the night, it's 2am and I haven't slept yet, so may as well try and save hubby more torture. So I whisk her outside and walk her vigorously up and down the living room and kitchen. Nothing. Even in my arms she's wiggling non-stop. That's obviously not working so I squirrel us away to a dark corner of the couch and basically keep her captive til she's so bored she falls asleep. Finally at 3am I take her back to our room, put her in her crib and fall asleep myself. Til 3 hours later the blare of the alarm wakes me up and the cycle starts again.

Oh the joys.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Colour me Red

My hair is a mess! I have so many greys I think I could pass for girlie's grandma! And I haven't cut my hair in months. I asked my husband since the beginning of November to let me know an afternoon that he could pick up girlie from my mom's after work, so that I could be free to go do my hair. 3 weeks pass, and I look haggier and haggier by the day!! So I put my foot down last Thursday. "Honey, how's my hair looking? Kinda crappy right? That's cause you won't give me a chance to go do my hair!! Do you want to walk around with me looking like this? Isn't it embarrassing to you? I don't have to look at me, but you do, don't you wish I would do my hair?!? I'm going to the salon tomorrow, so pick up the baby after work!!!" That worked J He complained vehemently about my taking away is Friday evening when he was planning to go have some drinks with the boys but tough luck!

So finally I cut my hair, but I didn't have time or money to have the salon colour it, so I bought a beautiful Red Revlon ColorSilk Luminista.


The nest day, Saturday, Hubby had to step out, and it was just little one and me at home. So I timed her, so that when she went down for her nap, I'd quickly colour my hair and have it washed out by the time she wakes up. Man (or Woman in this case) makes plans and God laughs!

After walking her vigorously throughout the house, then standing with her in front the fan and singing, she finally falls asleep. And the clock starts!!  I quickly read the instructions (I've coloured my hair thousands of times, but I MUST read the instructions first every time :-S Weird huh?) and get started. JUST as I finished applying all the colour to my hair I hear her screams! I freeze…what to do? Leave her? Maybe she'll fall back asleep…Pick her up? But what about the dye in my hair? And how will I ever wash it out with that little monkey attached to me? So I tried to leave her while my hair colour developed. But she bawled and screamed, and there was no way she was going back to sleep. So I dug through the dust incrusted cupboard under the sink and found a plastic shower cap, threw that on, and yanked her out the crib. Poor thing was sobbing by that time!!! Poor little darling! *sigh*

She was fascinated by the cap on my head, but happily she did not try to grab it off. So we played for the 30 minutes while the colour developed, but now it was crunch time, time to wash out my hair. What to do with the squirming wiggly little thing? *Ping!!* I know what to do! So I drag her highchair into my very tiny bathroom, grab some baby snacks and BINGO! Plop her into her chair right in front the shower (the bathroom's really tiny, so there's no other choice anyway), leave the shower curtains open while I bathe and feed her puffs. She's most amused to watch the red flow out my hair, and sits back with her snacks and takes in the scene. Amazingly she actually sat quietly for the whole thing, just screaming up at me when she was ready for more puffs.

Lol, it worked out well! A mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do to get through!